Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Configures @extension with the given @params
Get the parameters strings to be included in the request header. If the extension doesn't include any parameter in the request, this function returns %NULL.
Get the parameters strings to be included in the response header. If the extension doesn't include any parameter in the response, this function returns %NULL.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Get the main Gtk struct
Process a message after it's received. If the payload isn't changed the given @payload is just returned, otherwise g_bytes_unref() is called on the given @payload and a new #GBytes is returned with the new data.
Process a message before it's sent. If the payload isn't changed the given @payload is just returned, otherwise g_bytes_unref() is called on the given @payload and a new #GBytes is returned with the new data.
the main Gtk struct
SoupWebsocketExtension is the base class for WebSocket extension objects.