
#SoupLogger watches a #SoupSession and logs the HTTP traffic that it generates, for debugging purposes. Many applications use an environment variable to determine whether or not to use #SoupLogger, and to determine the amount of debugging output.

To use #SoupLogger, first create a logger with soup_logger_new(), optionally configure it with soup_logger_set_request_filter(), soup_logger_set_response_filter(), and soup_logger_set_printer(), and then attach it to a session (or multiple sessions) with soup_session_add_feature().

By default, the debugging output is sent to <literal>stdout</literal>, and looks something like:

<informalexample><screen> > POST /unauth HTTP/1.1 > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1200171744 > Soup-Debug: SoupSessionAsync 1 (0x612190), SoupMessage 1 (0x617000), SoupSocket 1 (0x612220) > Host: localhost > Content-Type: text/plain > Connection: close > > This is a test.

&lt; HTTP/1.1 201 Created &lt; Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1200171744 &lt; Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x617000) &lt; Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2008 21:02:24 GMT &lt; Content-Length: 0 </screen></informalexample>

The <literal>Soup-Debug-Timestamp</literal> line gives the time (as a <type>time_t</type>) when the request was sent, or the response fully received.

The <literal>Soup-Debug</literal> line gives further debugging information about the #SoupSession, #SoupMessage, and #SoupSocket involved; the hex numbers are the addresses of the objects in question (which may be useful if you are running in a debugger). The decimal IDs are simply counters that uniquely identify objects across the lifetime of the #SoupLogger. In particular, this can be used to identify when multiple messages are sent across the same connection.

Currently, the request half of the message is logged just before the first byte of the request gets written to the network (from the #SoupMessage::starting signal), which means that if you have not made the complete request body available at that point, it will not be logged.

The response is logged just after the last byte of the response body is read from the network (from the #SoupMessage::got_body or #SoupMessage::got_informational signal), which means that the #SoupMessage::got_headers signal, and anything triggered off it (such as #SoupSession::authenticate) will be emitted <emphasis>before</emphasis> the response headers are actually logged.

If the response doesn't happen to trigger the #SoupMessage::got_body nor #SoupMessage::got_informational signals due to, for example, a cancellation before receiving the last byte of the response body, the response will still be logged on the event of the #SoupMessage::finished signal.


this(SoupLogger* soupLogger, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.

this(SoupLoggerLogLevel level, int maxBodySize)

Creates a new #SoupLogger with the given debug level. If @level is %SOUP_LOGGER_LOG_BODY, @max_body_size gives the maximum number of bytes of the body that will be logged. (-1 means "no limit".)



void attach(Session session)

Sets @logger to watch @session and print debug information for its messages.

void detach(Session session)

Stops @logger from watching @session.

SoupLogger* getLoggerStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

void setPrinter(SoupLoggerPrinter printer, void* printerData, GDestroyNotify destroy)

Sets up an alternate log printing routine, if you don't want the log to go to <literal>stdout</literal>.

void setRequestFilter(SoupLoggerFilter requestFilter, void* filterData, GDestroyNotify destroy)

Sets up a filter to determine the log level for a given request. For each HTTP request @logger will invoke @request_filter to determine how much (if any) of that request to log. (If you do not set a request filter, @logger will just always log requests at the level passed to soup_logger_new().)

void setResponseFilter(SoupLoggerFilter responseFilter, void* filterData, GDestroyNotify destroy)

Sets up a filter to determine the log level for a given response. For each HTTP response @logger will invoke @response_filter to determine how much (if any) of that response to log. (If you do not set a response filter, @logger will just always log responses at the level passed to soup_logger_new().)


mixin SessionFeatureT!(SoupLogger)
Undocumented in source.

Static functions

GType getType()


SoupLogger* soupLogger;

the main Gtk struct

Inherited Members

From SessionFeatureIF

SoupSessionFeature* getSessionFeatureStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

GType getType()
bool addFeature(GType type)

Adds a "sub-feature" of type @type to the base feature @feature. This is used for features that can be extended with multiple different types. Eg, the authentication manager can be extended with subtypes of #SoupAuth.

void attach(Session session)
void detach(Session session)
bool hasFeature(GType type)

Tests if @feature has a "sub-feature" of type @type. See soup_session_feature_add_feature().

bool removeFeature(GType type)

Removes the "sub-feature" of type @type from the base feature @feature. See soup_session_feature_add_feature().
