Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Creates a #SoupDate representing the indicated time, UTC.
Creates a #SoupDate representing a time @offset_seconds after the current time (or before it, if @offset_seconds is negative). If offset_seconds is 0, returns the current time.
Parses @date_string and tries to extract a date from it. This recognizes all of the "HTTP-date" formats from RFC 2616, all ISO 8601 formats containing both a time and a date, RFC 2822 dates, and reasonable approximations thereof. (Eg, it is lenient about whitespace, leading "0"s, etc.)
Creates a #SoupDate corresponding to @when
Copies @date.
Frees @date.
Get the main Gtk struct
Gets @date's day.
Gets @date's hour.
Gets @date's minute.
Gets @date's month.
Gets @date's offset from UTC.
Gets @date's second.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Gets @date's UTC flag
Gets @date's year.
Determines if @date is in the past.
Converts @date to a string in the format described by @format.
Converts @date to a #GTimeVal.
Converts @date to a <type>time_t</type>, assumming it to be in UTC.
day of the month, 1 to 31
hour of the day, 0 to 23
minute, 0 to 59
the month, 1 to 12
offset from UTC
second, 0 to 59 (or up to 61 in the case of leap seconds)
%TRUE if the date is in UTC
the year, 1 to 9999
A date and time. The date is assumed to be in the (proleptic) Gregorian calendar. The time is in UTC if @utc is %TRUE. Otherwise, the time is a local time, and @offset gives the offset from UTC in minutes (such that adding @offset to the time would give the correct UTC time). If @utc is %FALSE and @offset is 0, then the %SoupDate represents a "floating" time with no associated timezone information.