
WebKitWebExtension is a loadable module for the WebProcess. It allows you to execute code in the WebProcess and being able to use the DOM API, to change any request or to inject custom JavaScript code, for example.

To create a WebKitWebExtension you should write a module with an initialization function that could be either webkit_web_extension_initialize() with prototype #WebKitWebExtensionInitializeFunction or webkit_web_extension_initialize_with_user_data() with prototype #WebKitWebExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction. This function has to be public and it has to use the #G_MODULE_EXPORT macro. It is called when the web process is initialized.

<informalexample><programlisting> static void web_page_created_callback (WebKitWebExtension *extension, WebKitWebPage *web_page, gpointer user_data) { g_print ("Page %d created for %s\n", webkit_web_page_get_id (web_page), webkit_web_page_get_uri (web_page)); }

G_MODULE_EXPORT void webkit_web_extension_initialize (WebKitWebExtension *extension) { g_signal_connect (extension, "page-created", G_CALLBACK (web_page_created_callback), NULL); } </programlisting></informalexample>

The previous piece of code shows a trivial example of an extension that notifies when a #WebKitWebPage is created.

WebKit has to know where it can find the created WebKitWebExtension. To do so you should use the webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_directory() function. The signal #WebKitWebContext::initialize-web-extensions is the recommended place to call it.

To provide the initialization data used by the webkit_web_extension_initialize_with_user_data() function, you have to call webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data() with the desired data as parameter. You can see an example of this in the following piece of code:

<informalexample><programlisting> #define WEB_EXTENSIONS_DIRECTORY /<!-- -->* ... *<!-- -->/

static void initialize_web_extensions (WebKitWebContext *context, gpointer user_data) { /<!-- -->* Web Extensions get a different ID for each Web Process *<!-- -->/ static guint32 unique_id = 0;

webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_directory ( context, WEB_EXTENSIONS_DIRECTORY); webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data ( context, g_variant_new_uint32 (unique_id++)); }

int main (int argc, char **argv) { g_signal_connect (webkit_web_context_get_default (), "initialize-web-extensions", G_CALLBACK (initialize_web_extensions), NULL);

GtkWidget *view = webkit_web_view_new ();

/<!-- -->* ... *<!-- -->/ } </programlisting></informalexample>


this(WebKitWebExtension* webKitWebExtension, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.



gulong addOnPageCreated(void delegate(WebPage, WebExtension) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when a new #WebKitWebPage is created in the Web Process.

gulong addOnUserMessageReceived(void delegate(UserMessage, WebExtension) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when a #WebKitUserMessage is received from the #WebKitWebContext corresponding to @extension. Messages sent by #WebKitWebContext are always broadcasted to all #WebKitWebExtension<!-- -->s and they can't be replied to. Calling webkit_user_message_send_reply() will do nothing.

WebPage getPage(ulong pageId)

Get the web page of the given @page_id.

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

WebKitWebExtension* getWebExtensionStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void sendMessageToContext(UserMessage message, Cancellable cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, void* userData)

Send @message to the #WebKitWebContext corresponding to @extension. If @message is floating, it's consumed.

UserMessage sendMessageToContextFinish(AsyncResultIF result)

Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_extension_send_message_to_context().

Static functions

GType getType()


WebKitWebExtension* webKitWebExtension;

the main Gtk struct
