
#WebKitDownload carries information about a download request and response, including a #WebKitURIRequest and a #WebKitURIResponse objects. The application may use this object to control the download process, or to simply figure out what is to be downloaded, and handle the download process itself.


this(WebKitDownload* webKitDownload, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.



gulong addOnCreatedDestination(void delegate(string, Download) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted after #WebKitDownload::decide-destination and before #WebKitDownload::received-data to notify that destination file has been created successfully at @destination.

gulong addOnDecideDestination(bool delegate(string, Download) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted after response is received to decide a destination URI for the download. If this signal is not handled the file will be downloaded to %G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD directory using @suggested_filename.

gulong addOnFailed(void delegate(ErrorG, Download) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the download operation. The given @error, of the domain %WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, contains further details of the failure. If the download is cancelled with webkit_download_cancel(), this signal is emitted with error %WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER. The download operation finishes after an error and #WebKitDownload::finished signal is emitted after this one.

gulong addOnFinished(void delegate(Download) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted when download finishes successfully or due to an error. In case of errors #WebKitDownload::failed signal is emitted before this one.

gulong addOnReceivedData(void delegate(ulong, Download) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

This signal is emitted after response is received, every time new data has been written to the destination. It's useful to know the progress of the download operation.

void cancel()

Cancels the download. When the ongoing download operation is effectively cancelled the signal #WebKitDownload::failed is emitted with %WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER error.

bool getAllowOverwrite()

Returns the current value of the #WebKitDownload:allow-overwrite property, which determines whether the download will overwrite an existing file on disk, or if it will fail if the destination already exists.

string getDestination()

Obtains the URI to which the downloaded file will be written. You can connect to #WebKitDownload::created-destination to make sure this method returns a valid destination.

WebKitDownload* getDownloadStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

double getElapsedTime()

Gets the elapsed time in seconds, including any fractional part. If the download finished, had an error or was cancelled this is the time between its start and the event.

double getEstimatedProgress()

Gets the value of the #WebKitDownload:estimated-progress property. You can monitor the estimated progress of the download operation by connecting to the notify::estimated-progress signal of @download.

ulong getReceivedDataLength()

Gets the length of the data already downloaded for @download in bytes.

URIRequest getRequest()

Retrieves the #WebKitURIRequest object that backs the download process.

URIResponse getResponse()

Retrieves the #WebKitURIResponse object that backs the download process. This method returns %NULL if called before the response is received from the server. You can connect to notify::response signal to be notified when the response is received.

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

WebView getWebView()

Get the #WebKitWebView that initiated the download.

void setAllowOverwrite(bool allowed)

Sets the #WebKitDownload:allow-overwrite property, which determines whether the download may overwrite an existing file on disk, or if it will fail if the destination already exists.

void setDestination(string uri)

Sets the URI to which the downloaded file will be written. This method should be called before the download transfer starts or it will not have any effect on the ongoing download operation. To set the destination using the filename suggested by the server connect to #WebKitDownload::decide-destination signal and call webkit_download_set_destination(). If you want to set a fixed destination URI that doesn't depend on the suggested filename you can connect to notify::response signal and call webkit_download_set_destination(). If #WebKitDownload::decide-destination signal is not handled and destination URI is not set when the download transfer starts, the file will be saved with the filename suggested by the server in %G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD directory.

Static functions

GType getType()


WebKitDownload* webKitDownload;

the main Gtk struct
